Main content start
Working Papers
- Text Mining for Processing Interview Data in Computational Social Science, 2019
- Working for Female Managers/Gender composition in occupation hierarchies and the persistence of labor market segregation, 2014
- The Dispossessed, 2013
- Status, Relative Pay, and Wage Growth: Evidence from M&As, 2014
- Occupational Labor Markets 2003
- Wage Mobility in Sweden 2002
- Information-efficient or decision-oriented teams-A team composition paradox, 1999
- Are monitoring and high-intensity pay complements or substitute? 1998
- Impact of Business Groups/Alliances on Executive Compensation and Firm Performance Sweden 1985 to 1997, 1999
- Are Change of Beliefs and High Performance Pay Complements or Substitutes? (Under revision).
- How to Increase or Decrease Inequality: A Mechanism Based on Multiple Decisionmakers and Their Independence of Mind (Under revision)
Selected Published Articles
- 2022 When Should Control Be Shared?
- 2019 En fritänkare finner sin forskar miljö. IFN Jubileum skrift 2019
- 2014 The significance of firm and occupation specific human capital for hiring and promotions
- 2012 The Brokerage
- 2011 Demons in the System
- 2010 Cohort Effects in Promotion and Wages
- 2007 Distributive Justice and CEO Compensation
- 2006 The Gender Productivity Gap.
- 2006 The Glass Ceiling in the United States and Sweden: Lessons from the Family Friendly Corner of the World, 1970 to 1990
- 2003 Corporate Governance and Structural Change. European Challenges
- 2003 Pay, Risk, And Productivity. The Case Of Findland,1980-1996
- 2000 Equal Pay for Equal Work? Evidence from Sweden, Norway and the U.S.
- 1999 More Glory and Less Injustice: The Glass-Ceiling in Sweden 1970-1990.
- 1998 Finns det ett glastak för kvinnor? En studie av svenska arbetsplatser i privat näringsliv 1970-1990.
- 1997 Lika lön för lika arbete en studie av svenska förhållanden i internationell belysning.
- 1997 Är lönediskriminering en myt? En internationell jämförelse av lönediskriminering av kvinnor.
- 1997 Är kvinnor utsatta för lönediskriminering? 1995 Kompensationskontrakt för ledningsgrupper i svenska börsnoterade företag.
- 1994 Human capital, Social Capital and Compensation. The impact of social networks on managers’ income.
- 1993 Kontrollmöjligheter i fall av asymmetrisk information. Två fallsudier; riksbanken och husläkarsystemet.
- 1993 The Impact of Financial and Social Capital On Firm Performance.
- 1992 Doctoral Thesis ‘The Impact of Ownership Structure and Executive Team Composition on Firm Performance The resolution of a leadership paradox’.
- Ägarmakt och omvandling Den svenska modellen utmanad, Ed Hans Tson Söderstrom, Ekonomirådsrapport 2003 Stockholm:SNS English summary, The Swedish Corporate Governance System, and the European Challenge
- Staten och bolagskapitalet om aktiv styrning av statliga bolag, ‘State as a corporate owner’ with Susanne Lindh, ESO Ds 1998:64
- Kompensations system i svenska börsnoterade företag, 1994, ‘Compensation contracts in Swedish publicly traded firms’ Almqvist och Wicksell, ISBN 91-7204-470-5.5
Current Projects
Currently working on the following research projects:
- Brokers, refugees and labor market matching.
- Voices on Intimacy.
- Are Intrinsic and Extrinsic Rewards Complements or Substitutes?
- A Labor Market Analysis of Suicide Missions.
- The Boundary of Internal Labor Markets: Do we have the empirical facts right?
- Where Do Beliefs Come From?
- Do Men Like To Work For Women Managers?
- The Dynamics and Evolution of Institutions.
- Managing Global Organizations.